【絲路之旅十二天紀行】從西安到新疆烏魯木齊 12 Days Silk Road Journey

Описание к видео 【絲路之旅十二天紀行】從西安到新疆烏魯木齊 12 Days Silk Road Journey

從絲路的起點西安出發到新疆烏魯木齊,再反向穿越河西走廊回到西安.「絲路之旅12天紀行」裡有著千年歷史的回顧, 文化遺留的記載, 巍峨壯觀的邊城, 豐富藝術的石窟, 遙遠滄桑的大漠, 和驚奇絶美的地貌. 來! 請打開文化歷史的視窗, 一起走進絲路.
This is the record of our 2018 Silk Road trip covering the whole 12 days journey from Xian to Urumqi, presenting pieces of history and amazing scenes along the route. It also serves as a travel guide for people who want to explore the Silk Road in the future.
Francisco Wu, Toronto


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