「上玉山才30幾, 下山已經65歲了」登上3858公尺氣象站,最後一次值班|【誰來晚餐15-22】 Guess Who: A Journey Home from 3858 Meters

Описание к видео 「上玉山才30幾, 下山已經65歲了」登上3858公尺氣象站,最後一次值班|【誰來晚餐15-22】 Guess Who: A Journey Home from 3858 Meters






📍 5/17 週五晚上9點 YT誰來晚餐&電視公視 首播
📍 In the Clouds: A Journey Home from 3858 Meters

Hsin-tien, a weather station observer, has spent a whopping three decades atop Taiwan's Jade Mountain, savoring solitude amidst jaw-dropping scenery. But let's not be fooled by the mountain mystique; it's not all Instagram-worthy sunsets and bird songs. Nope, there's the small matter of being nine hours away from civilization, enduring nature's temper tantrums, and waving goodbye to family for extended periods. Today, we meet Hsin-tien as he wraps up his final shift and transitions back to family life in the city. How has Hsin-tien managed to balance his solitary mountain life with his family obligations over the years? What are the challenges of living so far away from civilization? And how did Hsin-tien's family make his farewell from Jade Mountain a touching and memorable experience? Let’s find out!

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