Nursing Care Plan: Easy and Simple

Описание к видео Nursing Care Plan: Easy and Simple

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What is up guys. I hope all is well. You are watching a video about how to write your nursing care plan. Remember, take all the things that you'll learn from this video and incorporate it to what your professor/instructor/school wants you to do in a care plan to meet their criteria for passing.


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Nurse's Pocket Guide:
Nurse's Pocket Guide (New Version) :
E-book Version:
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Disclaimer: The information in this video is a general compilation of different nursing books. This video is not intended to replace information you have obtained from school or your facility. Refer to your facility's policies and procedures for specific guidelines. This video may contain affiliate links which helps us earn small percentage whenever you use our links to purchase. This will be at ZERO cost to you. This will help us grow our channel more. Thank you for your support.

Equipment used:

1. Camera:
2. Microphone:
3. Camera Cage:
4. Monitor:


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