How to Easily Drill Acrylic (Aquarium)

Описание к видео How to Easily Drill Acrylic (Aquarium)

We show you how to drill Acrylic using WD-40 and masking tape
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We drilled this Eshopps Deskmate Florida to plump into another tank for a special project coming up, look out for that video as well

This video is an Everybody Aquatic LLC Production and is the sole creation of Everybody Aquatic. There are no affiliations with outside companies or products of any kind.


In this video:
Acrylic all in one aquarium
Eshopps Deskmate Florida
Step Down drill bit
Masking tape


0:00 Intro
0:11 WD-40
0:22 Pilot Hole
0:30 Bit Jammed Up
0:50 Re-applying oil
1:09 Completed Hole
1:14 Plumbed Aquarium


#reeftank #aquariumhobby #DIY #acrylic
drilling acrylic fish tank


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