Greco-Italian War EPIC WAR MOVIE PART 1

Описание к видео Greco-Italian War EPIC WAR MOVIE PART 1


"Italian counterattack west of Rahowitze dispersed the 77th Greek Infantry Regiment with over one thousand men captured." (World War II Sea War, Volume 3: The Royal Navy is Bloodied in the Mediterranean, Donald A Bertke, Gordon Smith, Don Kindell, p. 179, Lulu Press, 2012)


"General Papagos, Commander-in-Chief of the Greek army, opened an offensive against Tepelenë with the objective of driving on to seize the port of Vlorë ... However, the Greeks failed to capture Tepelenë, for the attack found the Italians determined to die rather than yield any further ground ... The Greek attack was repulsed, and their Cretan division, which traditionally possessed great fighting spirit, was literally mown down. Although the R.A.F. gave close ground support to the Greek formations in the attack, they had little success...." (Albania in the Twentieth Century, A History: Volume II: Albania in Occupation and War, 1939-45, Owen Pearson, p. 122, I.B.Tauris, 2006)

9-20 MARCH

"The battered 1st Greek Division, which had shattered the Spring Offensive against its immovable wall, was sent for a rest in the reserves." (The Defence and Fall of Greece 1940-1941, John Carr, p. 160, Pen and Sword, 2013)


"But in the meantime the Italians had finally discovered Paramythia, now visible through the melting snow. On 22 March thirty Macchi MC200s hurtled down on the parked RAF Wellingtons, destroying them all plus a Gladiator". The Defence and Fall of Greece 1940-1941, John Carr, p. 169, Pen and Sword, 2013)


"While at anchor in Suda Bay, northern Crete, the heavy cruiser HMS 'York' is badly damaged by Decima Flottiglia MAS naval commandos carried in by the RM destroyers 'Francesco Crispi' and 'Quintino Sella'. The British cruiser is later completely wrecked by demolition charges when Crete was evacuated in May." ( Italy At War Day By Day: 1940-1945)


"At about 1720 six 239a Squadriglia aircraft sunk the RHN destroyer Proussa in Dafnila Bay." (Air War Over Greece and Albania 1940-1941, Alexis Mehtidis, p. 67, Ravi Rikhye)


"On 6 April the Yugoslav Third Army went on the offensive against Italian units located along the Yugoslav-Albanian border. It was the enemy's intention to capture Scutari and roll up the left flank of Italian forces engaged against the Greeks, but General Ugo Cavallero foresaw this move ... the Zetska Division advanced along the shore of Lake Scutari, toward the city of Scutari until 8 April, then paused until it was reinforced by the Herzegovacke Division on 11 April. But they got no closer than nine miles (15km) from the city, for the Centauro Armoured Division and the Guide Cavalry Regiment blocked the road down which they were advancing." (Regio Esercito: The Italian Royal Army in Mussolini's Wars, 1935-1943, Patrick Cloutier, p. 67, Lulu Press, 2010)


"The 9th and 13th Greek Divisions returned to their original positions and soon it was the Italians who applied pressure back across the Albanian line, particularly northwest of Pogradec, in the Bubes area, and north of Trebesinji. The combined Yugoslav-Greek gains in Albania were thus negligible, short-lived and inconsequential." (Swastika over the Acropolis: Re-interpreting the Nazi Invasion of Greece in World War II, Craig Stockings, Eleanor Hancock, p. 184, BRILL, 2013)

"In Albania, Italian troops took Mount Lepre, northeast of Postumia." (World War II Sea War, Volume 3: The Royal Navy is Bloodied in the Mediterranean, Donald A Bertke, Gordon Smith, Don Kindell, p. 375, Lulu Press, 2012)

"Greek troops were pushed back to the Greek border at Circhina, west of Udine." (World War II Sea War, Volume 3: The Royal Navy is Bloodied in the Mediterranean, Donald A Bertke, Gordon Smith, Don Kindell, p. 375, Lulu Press, 2012)

"Another Greek Army attack on Shkumbin, Albania was halted." (World War II Sea War, Volume 3: The Royal Navy is Bloodied in the Mediterranean, Donald A Bertke, Gordon Smith, Don Kindell, p. 375, Lulu Press, 2012)


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