到外婆家fun寒假《零下四十度的思念》(Breaking Ice) :從攝氏三十度到零下四十度,跨越兩千公里【ENG SUB】

Описание к видео 到外婆家fun寒假《零下四十度的思念》(Breaking Ice) :從攝氏三十度到零下四十度,跨越兩千公里【ENG SUB】

《零下四十度的思念》(Breaking Ice) |


How can an eight-year-old child come to understand the feelings of her family in one short visit?

Born in Taiwan, Tongtong has never seen snow. Her mother comes from Inner Mongolia, China, where it is minus 40 degrees. This winter, the mother decides to take Tongtong back to her hometown to visit her ailing grandmother. In this distant frozen land, Tongtong sees fish that freeze almost the moment they are caught and mountains covered with endless snow. She also enjoys the company of her loving grandparents. But the most unforgettable part of this short week is that she sees a different mother, a mother who smiles more but also cries more.

Executive Producer TANG, SHENG-RONG(湯昇榮)
Programme Producer LIN, SIAO-BEI(林曉蓓)CHEN, SYUE-LIN(陳雪林)
Director CHEN, GUAN-YU(陳冠宇)
Planning & Scripwriter HUANG, HUNG-JU(黃鴻儒)
Line Producer CHEN, PEI-LING(陳佩伶)
Editor CHEN, GUAN-YU(陳冠宇)HUANG, HUNG-JU(黃鴻儒)
Sound Effects Editor Point Studio

2013 芝加哥國際兒童影展兒童評審團紀錄片類別首獎(Chicago International Children's Film Festival)
入圍2013 多倫多兒童影展
入圍2013 台灣國際民族誌影展
入圍2013 美國尤金國際影展入選放映(Eugene International Film Festival Official Selection)
榮獲2013 美國尤金國際影展年輕觀眾票選最佳短片獎(Best Young Audience Short Award)
榮獲2013 亞洲電視獎--最佳兒童節目評審推薦獎(Asian Television Awards Best Children's Programme-Highly Commended)
入圍2014 台灣國際兒童影展-台灣獎
入圍2014 半島國際紀錄片電影節 (Al Jazeera International Documentary Film Festival)
入圍 2014 聖地牙哥國際兒童影展 (San Diego International Kids' Film Festival)
入圍2014 法國費索爾亞洲影展--紀錄片類別競賽單元(Festival International des Cinemas d'Asie de Vesoul:Documentaries Category)
入圍2014 德國慕尼黑兒童青少年國際電視節(Prix Jeunesse International)
入圍2014 台北電影節紀錄片類
入圍2014 香港華語紀錄片節--短片組(Chinese Documentary Festival)
入圍2014 釜山國際兒童影展--非競賽單元 (Busan International Kids' Film Festival)


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