Som forvandlet - Antik skulptur i farver / Transformations - Classical sculpture in Colour

Описание к видео Som forvandlet - Antik skulptur i farver / Transformations - Classical sculpture in Colour

Som forvandlet - antik skulptur i farver
Særudstilling på Glyptoteket, Kbh.
13.9 - 7.12 2014

Antikken var hvid – marmorhvid! Det har i århundreder været en del af den bærende fortælling om den vestlige kulturs oprindelse. Efterårets store særudstilling vender op og ned på forestillingen om antikkens hvide verden og viser, at der var anderledes drøn på farverne i græsk og romersk skulptur.


Transformations – Classical Sculpture in Colour
Special exhibition at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen
13.9 - 7.12 2014

Antiquity was white – as white as marble! For hundreds of years this fact has been one of the mainstays in the story of the origin of Western culture. This autumn’s major special exhibition turns the idea of the white world of Antiquity upside down and shows that Greek and Roman sculpture were colourful to a high degree.

Reconstructions: Archaeological Institute Göttingen and Stiftung Archäologie.
Photo: Stephan Eckardt, Ole Haupt
Film: Oncotype Aps


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