Birdsong Flute: Iridescent Feathers and An Urban Night Setting

Описание к видео Birdsong Flute: Iridescent Feathers and An Urban Night Setting

Flute, Artwork: Masabo

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Iridescent Feathers

fantasy, robotic, owl, girl, blackbird, colorful, cheerful, iridescent, mechanical, whimsical

A trio of fantastical creatures is depicted, featuring a brightly colored owl, a cheerful girl with pink hair who resembles a humanoid robot, and a sleek blackbird with iridescent feathers. Each character is richly detailed, displaying an array of shimmering mechanical elements and vibrant, lifelike colors that create a whimsical, futuristic scene.

An Urban Night Setting

mechanical birds, vibrant colors, anime-inspired, young person, futuristic, whimsical, cyberpunk, urban night, colorful, digital art

Vibrantly colored mechanical birds join a smiling young person with a similarly colorful and futuristic appearance. They all have a whimsical, high-tech design, seemingly inspired by contemporary Japanese animation and are set against a background that suggests an urban night setting.

I use the simplest and perfect free online drawing tool Kleki for my paintings:


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