Love Yourself & Have Mercy On Yourself Before You Give It To Others | Ustadh Tariq Samady

Описание к видео Love Yourself & Have Mercy On Yourself Before You Give It To Others | Ustadh Tariq Samady

– More sessions about the book "The Kingdom of the Heart":
– More Sidi Tariq Samady:
– Complete program:
– Purchase "The Kingdom of The Heart" by Habib Umar bin Hafiz:
– Past mawlid celebrations at MCC:

Ustadh Tariq Samady gives spiritual and practical insights about the fundamentals of sending Salawat (prayer) upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw). Discover the wisdom behind it and delve into its meanings, virtues, and benefits.

Ustadh Tariq Samady
Ustadh Tariq Samady is a native of the Bay Area with roots hailing from the ancient city of Kabul. He is a lifelong seeker of Islamic knowledge, learning from a wide range of Muslim scholars – local and international. With blessings from his teachers, he has contributed to various educational programs and gatherings of dhikr.

His research and editing interests span Qur’an and Hadith commentaries, Philology, Spirituality, and Persian Poetry. Tariq is the founder of Circles of Light (حلق النور), a fledgling educational initiative focused on sharing sacred learnings and wisdom for the benefit of the community. He studied Computer Science at California State University – East Bay and has over ten years of experience as a Developer and Analytics QA Engineer.

Ustadh Mahdy Amine (Guest Speaker)
Ustadh Mahdy Amine is a Zaytuna College alumnus and practicing attorney. He teaches Islamic Studies at ILM Tree and serves as Convert Care Coordinator for Ta’leef.

About Circles of Light
Circles of Light is a fledgling educational initiative focused on sharing sacred learnings and wisdom for the benefit of the community, meant to assist in maximizing Dunya (this life) for our Deen (Faith). He gives wisdom to whomever He wills. Whoever is given wisdom has been given much good. But none pays heed except those with insight. (Quran). We are motivated by the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him); the most beloved people to Allah are those most beneficial to the people. (Hadith). We seek to achieve this aim through our in-person educational programs and publications.

Almighty Allah ﷻ directs us in Sūratul Aḥzāb, “Verily, Allah and His Angels send blessings on the Messenger of Allah. You who believe invoke blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation.” Our purpose of invoking blessings upon the Beloved ﷺ leads to proximity to Almighty Allah ﷻ by obeying this command while simultaneously fulfilling our rights upon the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. It is crystal clear how vital the invocation of Ṣalawāt is for the believer, and it is a Mercy of Almighty Allah ﷻ for its rewards to be multitudinous. Abundant Ṣalawāt upon the Beloved ﷺ leads to loving him and knowing his beautiful qualities. By that virtue, degrees of purity are realized. From the signs of the people of the Sunnah is sending Ṣalawāt upon him, for the key to all goodness is Ṣalawāt upon the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

– More Sidi Mahdy Amine:
– More Sidi Tariq Samady:
– More Tri-Valley and East Bay Mawlid celebrations:

– More about celebrating the Prophet (peace be upon him)’s day of birth:

This retreat took place at the Muslim Community Center - East Bay (MCC East Bay) in Pleasanton, California on November 16, 2024.

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