Matt Barnes on Derek Fisher, "Kobe Flinch", Gloria Govan, Basketball Wives (Full Interview)

Описание к видео Matt Barnes on Derek Fisher, "Kobe Flinch", Gloria Govan, Basketball Wives (Full Interview)

Matt Barnes opened up at length about his personal life and his long career in the NBA, and he started out by giving a back story on his early years in San Jose. He went on to speak about getting into basketball and his shaky start into professional sports and the NBA. 

The interview moved on from Matt's upbringing and start and focused on the rise and fall of his relationship with Gloria Govan and Shaq convincing him to do Vh1's Basketball Wives. Matt also spoke about his infamous run-in with his former friend Derek Fisher after learning that Fisher was dating his ex-wife and was around his kids, which led to an altercation. To hear more, including Matt's story about the "Kobe flinch" situation, hit the above clip.


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