🚛, QUBE Container yard at Geraldton Port. With transhipping copper concentrate, in rotainers.

Описание к видео 🚛, QUBE Container yard at Geraldton Port. With transhipping copper concentrate, in rotainers.

Qube Bulk & Ports, haul copper concentrate, from Sandfire Resources, Degrussa copper / gold mine site. Which is located north of Meekatharra, to it's container handling yard, here at Geraldton Port. A distance of 694 kms.

Seen reports, that Sandfire Resources, are placing the Degrussa minesite into a care and maintenance stage. And currently are loading the copper product from stockpiles.

Volvo FH16 700 twinsteer tri-drives are used, to haul the loaded half height containers (rotainers) into Qube's container depot, at Geraldton.
And after unloading. The trailers are then reloaded with empties for return back to the minesite. The truck driver, unlocking the twist locks, and relocking each visit.
Qube Bulk & Ports, have a truck / service depot in Narngulu, just east of Geraldton City.

Grain trucks arriving and leaving from CBH Group's sampling and weighbridge yard.
Harvest season, already started in the Geraldton Zone.

12 October 2023.


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