Baroque (PS2): Walkthrough pt. 15: The End

Описание к видео Baroque (PS2): Walkthrough pt. 15: The End

Important things done in this episode:
-traversed 3500-3900 (final depth)
*fused with god at the end to get the final ending

Additional notes:
Now this was one hell of a bumpy ride. I started this off thinking I could show off how the game can be beaten the fastest way but I effectively ran into every gray area of progression.
This managed to be my most madly lucky run, with all of the good drops I got, and my worst run at the same time because of all of the accidents that happen on the way. However Now I know for the future what halts the story so I can now make a PROPER speed run. I'll probably do that as a stream one day or something.


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