Surah Fajr - 100 Times On Repeat

Описание к видео Surah Fajr - 100 Times On Repeat

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Hope you will benefit from this Quranic recitation of Surah Al Fajr with beautiful clips of nature. Listen to this on repeat before going sleeping, for correcting your memorization or for children.

The surah opens with various oaths that extend up to the 4th ayah. Unbelievers are warned by the fate of Ád, Thamúd, and Pharaoh in ayaat 5th up to 13th. Then the surah discusses that Man praises God in prosperity, but reproaches him in adversity in ayaat 14th to 17th. The discourse then denounces the oppression of the poor in ayaat 18th to 22nd. And approaching the end ayaat 23rd to 25th give the verdict that the wicked will vainly regret their evil deeds on the judgment-day, while ayaat 26th to the 30th gives the good news to the believing soul invited to the joys of Paradise.


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