SM1 edit 4

Описание к видео SM1 edit 4

People with a learning disability from Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic backgrounds experience significant inequalities in relation to health outcomes. The 2023 We Deserve Better: Ethnic minorities with a learning disability and access to healthcare report, a collaborative project with Race Equality Foundation, Learning Disability England and led by University of Central Lancashire, found shocking disparities in life expectancies for people with a learning disability from Black, Asian, and minoritised ethnic backgrounds, with the average age of death at 34 years. For White counterparts, the life expectancy is 62 years of age.

Building upon this research, the Race Equality Foundation and Learning Disability England have been working with people with lived experience from Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic communities to raise awareness of and improve the uptake of annual health checks. Annual health checks are an NHS preventative intervention designed to help detect and address health conditions, with the aim of reducing the number of early and avoidable deaths for people with a learning disability.


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