X Men Mutant Academy USA Toad 2nd costume X-men movie (2000) - Ps1 Playthrough

Описание к видео X Men Mutant Academy USA Toad 2nd costume X-men movie (2000) - Ps1 Playthrough

Developer: Paradox Development
Publisher: Activision
Release: July 11, 2000

Real name: Mortimer Toynbee
Occupation: Terrorist, former adventurer
Group affiliation: Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, formerly the Misfits
Base of operations: Mobile
First appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #4 (1964)

Height: 5'8" Weight: 260 lbs.
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Reddish-brown

Powers: Mortimer Toynbee is a mutant with superhuman leaping ability. Hehas been observed reaching an altitude of 24 feet and covering a distanceon the ground of 36 feet in a single leap. The Toad's adaptive metabolismallows him to excrete slime from his pores that paralyzes his victims. Also,he is able to manipulate his tongue as would a real toad, most often usingit like a whip. Mortimer's unusually flexible spine enables him to crouchcontinually without damage, but he can stand erect if he wishes.


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