Vršič pass | The most beautiful roads of the Alps

Описание к видео Vršič pass | The most beautiful roads of the Alps

You are watching The most beautfiul roads of the Alps series on the Edelweiss Bike travel Youtube Channel. In this episode we take you to the Vršič pass. This is a high alpine pass in Slovenia, the roads might be narrow but it's a great motorcycle adventure!

Are you looking for your next motorcycle tour? Edelweiss Bike Travel offers The touring center Austria tour will take you to the Vršič pass but also to Lake Wörthersee, Hochosterwitz Castle, Triglav National Park, Friuli, Bled, Nockalm Road, Magdalensberg, Southern Styria Wine Region and many more!

Touring Center Austria https://bit.ly/36jt1QK

WEBSITE: http://www.edelweissbike.com
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/edelweissbi...

CREATED BY: Manuel Marabese and Thomas Ritt

"Keep On Going by Joakim Karud   / joakimkarud  
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