Calico Critters/Sylvanian families unboxing mega toy haul from Toys R Us W/ Princess Ella toy review

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Hey guys, so its toy review tuesday and today I am opening all the Calico Criters from my last mega haul at Toys R us. The Calico critters or sylvanian families as the are known in the UK are the coolest most detailed toys that I have ever reviewed. I really cant believe how much detail that they put into making these. So whats my opinion of them?? Well I love them and now I would like to collect them all lol!! Seriously though they are super nice and I really had lots of fun putting them all together. Thanks for watching and please remember to like, share and subscribe.

to see me getting these toys from toys r us please click the link below

   • Calico Critters / Sylvanian Families ...  


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