Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) at 50: Adapting resistance to a changing world

Описание к видео Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) at 50: Adapting resistance to a changing world

Join us for this talk with Sam Perlo-Freeman from CAAT, to mark the 50th annivesary of the organisation's founding. This event was hosted by LSE Library in partnership with CAAT. LSE Library are the custodians of the CAAT archives, which are open to all to consult. It was recorded on Wednesday 19 June 2024 at LSE Library.

Dr Sam Perlo-Freeman (speaker) is Research Coordinator at Campaign Against Arms Trade in the UK. His current main focus is on UK arms exports, and the political influence of the arms industry on UK government policy. His other areas of expertise include data on world military expenditure, arms industry and trade, and corruption in the international arms trade.He is also a Fellow of the World Peace Foundation, where he was previously Programme Manager of their project on Global Arms Business and Corruption, from 2016-2019; and a Senior Associate Researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). From 2007 to 2016, Perlo-Freeman worked at SIPRI on issues regarding military expenditure, arms industry and arms trade, and, in particular, was head of the SIPRI Military Expenditure Project. In this capacity, he completed a project to extend SIPRI's unique military expenditure database backwards in time from 1988 to the 1950s.

Dr Luc-André Brunet (chair) is Senior Lecturer in Contemporary International History at the Open University and Co-Director of the Peace and Security Project at LSE IDEAS. His research focuses on the dynamics between peace and anti-nuclear activism, on the one hand, and policymaking and diplomacy, on the other.


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