BOOK REVIEW: Silk by E.B. Roshan • A Graphic Novel

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BOOK REVIEW: Silk (A Graphic Novel) by E.B. Roshan
Genre: Graphic novel; fiction; set on a planet with tribal jungle elements but also technologically advanced cities; maybe sci-fi
Audience: Middle grade
My summary: Silkis are spider-like creatures who produce silk that their world can use. Silkisilk has been harvested through charming, but when two merchants die from the fatal silk venom, silki charming is banned and patrols begin killing silkis and raiding their nests for silk. When Farz is bitten while on patrol, his sister must choose between saving her brother or protecting her family’s secret of being silki charmers.
The illustrations made the story. They instantly set the mood, setting, and character dynamics, and throughout the story, they conveyed emotions and added understanding to the plot in every way. The illustrations were great in how they looked and in their function.
The sibling characters acted as two sides of the story. They had opposite views, which represented two sides of their world’s fight, and so through their dispute and resolution the reader gains the tension, emotions, arguments, and then realization and cooperation of their entire world.
The story had clear messages of doing what is right even when it’s hard and coming to find common ground.
Negative: The illustrations were so well stylized that I did wish the text and text boxes shared that style instead of looking so text-boxy.
Overall: A unique story of resolving conflict

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