Do This on Android NOW! 5 Reasons to Reboot Android on a Regular Basis

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When was the last time you restarted your Android smartphone or tablet?

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I understand that rebooting your device regularly isn't something most people are taught to do, but it can be incredibly helpful

#android #googlepixel #samsunggalaxy

Firstly, many of you can bring up the Power Menu by pressing and holding the Power button for a second or two.
You should then see a Restart or Reboot option somewhere in the menu
So tap on it and you will initiate the process.

Some of you, however, will have this side key mapped to some AI assistant feature.
I know a few OEMs that set it up this way by default.
So if you are unable to access the Power menu using the side key button, then swipe down from the top of the screen twice
This will expand your Quick Settings panel
And you should then be able to find a Power icon somewhere on this screen

If your phone is unresponsive and you cannot access the Power Menu, you can sometimes force the device to Power Off by pressing and holding the Power button for 10-15 seconds.
Some devices, like the Galaxy S series, require you to press and hold the Power button and the Volume Down button for 10-15 seconds

Now you may be wondering what are the advantages of rebooting your Android smartphone so often.

So the first thing that I'll mention here is that both the NSA as well as the FBI recommend everyone restart their smartphone at least once per week.

This will help to protect against zero-click exploits while also mitigating the threat of spear-phishing attacks.
The suggestion isn't going to block all of these types of security threats from happening
You will still want to be vigilant with what links you tap on and which files you download.

But many of the malware that goes around are not programmed to. . .or allowed to reload on reboot.

Another big reason you want to consistently reboot your Android smartphone or tablet is to improve the performance of your device.

But there are bound to be memory leaks within the firmware itself. . .or simply with the apps or games that you have installed.

Yes, Android is good at managing your RAM for you, so that when it gets full things will be removed so that there's more room for the new app you're launching.

But that requires the firmware to perform those tasks in the background.

So you can help to stop those memory leaks from building up so frequently by rebooting your device every few days to once per week.
There will even be some that see a benefit from doing this daily.

Wiping the cache partition used to be a popular troubleshooting step for those who were experiencing random issues with an application or for Android as a whole.

However, modern android devices no longer use this partition within the filesystem
And instead, this cached data is cleared out when the smartphone or tablet is restarted

this cached data can add up, as well, so instead of using those shady cleaner apps that promise to make your device run faster, it's almost always a better idea to simply restart your Android device so that all of that cached data can be cleared out.

even though this won't usually free up a massive amount of storage, it will prevent the operating system from needing to managing the limited cached space you currently have

fixing misbehaving apps or services
If you have noticed an application is not longer functioning the way it should
maybe you see it force closing, or glitching when you attempt to use it
then a quick reboot may be all that is needed to fix the issue

the same can be said about broken services that run in the background
like being unable to pair your bluetooth device with Android
Or being unable to update applications from the Google Play Store

restarting your Android smartphone or tablet could be what is needed to get it back up and running properly

the last thing I want to point out here has to do with over the air updates.
these firmware updates are completed after the device has been turned off and back on again

often, you will see these new updates add additional features to your device
which may be why you aren't seeing some new feature that is being shared online or via a friend or family member

but these updates also come with important security patches that help to keep your device more secure
once these updates are ready to be completed, you are typically given a notification as a reminder.
but I know there are lots of people who will just swipe that way instead of following through and completing the install

so getting into the habit of rebooting your device is a good way to make sure it stays up to date

If you have found it difficult to be consistent with this, there are some OEMs that include an auto-restart feature within the Settings app, that you can setup so that it's automatically done for you

for everyone else, it can be a good idea to set a daily or weekly reminder to turn the phone off and back on again at a time when you know you aren't going to be very busy


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