One of the basic assets contributing to success of both offensive and defensive operations has been and remains antitank missile (ATGM) systems which can be portable and transportable/portable or carried by vehicles such as wheeled trucks, infantry fighting vehicles (IFV), armored personnel carriers (APC), tanks, helicopters and aircrafts.
Initially designed to counter armored targets, ATGM systems have subsequently become an effective means available to an operational commander due to their high precision of fire and warhead power.
The ATGM systems in service with modern armies are the most produced and most widely employed type of high precision weapon.
The huge experience gained by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau in developing guided munitions of various generations shows that new ATGM systems should be developed with due regard for the following key principles.
The first principle is the system approach. The new samples are developed as part of the system which includes portable ATGM systems, transportable/portable, self-propelled and helicopter-mounted systems, each of them is developed to accomplish specific combat missions assigned to units of various levels.
The second principle is the multipurpose use of an ATGM system which involves high precision of fire and enhanced lethality of tandem HEAT warheads capable of penetrating the ferroconcrete buildings of up to 3500 mm thick. The antitank guided missiles provided with HE, HE/fragmentation and fuel-air explosive warheads considerably enhance the tactical capabilities of the ATGM systems.
Third, the new ATGM systems must allow for use in diverse climates and theaters of operations as well as at night, in adverse weather and in the conditions of clutter and hostile jamming.
For near-term outlook the KBP Instrument Design Bureau offers the ATGM system for operation at three ranges which includes:
1) the portable Metis-M1 system (range of fire is up to 2000 m) which is the most mobile and most produced item of high-precision weapon for subordinate units.
2) transportable/portable Kornet-E system (range of fire is up to 5500 m) — a powerful defense and assault day/night weapon for the units of land forces which is used in adverse weather and hostile jamming
3) Vikhr-M guided weapon system for army aviation (range of fire is up to 10000 m).
The Vikhr-M system involves the following significant features:
enhanced range of the missile flight for stand-off firing at the targets;
automatic tracking of the detected target that removes the pilot work load and makes it possible the helicopter to maneuver after launching;
capability of effective destruction of the enemy's helicopters.
Thus high fighting capabilities of the systems we offer give us grounds to regard them not only as specialized antitank weapons but also as high-precision multipurpose defense-and-assault weapon which can defeat a large varieties of targets in all tactical depth of the enemy formation.


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