Массовая битва | Альянс против хаоса | Total War: WARHAMMER III | 4K cinematic battle

Описание к видео Массовая битва | Альянс против хаоса | Total War: WARHAMMER III | 4K cinematic battle


Mod List
[Radious] Triple Unit Size!
Radious Total War Mod
Better Camera Mod
Cultist Expansion: Oracle of Tzeentch
Dead of the Orient - Immortal Empires
Dead's Cathay Unit Pack
Dwarf Thunderbarge
Enhanced Cavalry Breakthrough
Eustace's Cathay Artillery Pack
Expanded Roster - Greenskins - Orc Pack
Expanded Roster - Vampire Counts
Formations 3
Guns, Smoke & Spectacle
Handmaiden Variants (No more clones!)
Legendary Characters 3.0 - Requires Asset Pack!
Legendary Characters Assets
Reloading Animations


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