"He sits with the people of Bid'ah!" - The noble Shaikh Wasiullah responds التساهل والغلو في التبديع

Описание к видео "He sits with the people of Bid'ah!" - The noble Shaikh Wasiullah responds التساهل والغلو في التبديع

التساهل والغلو في التبديع - الشيخ وصي الله عباس

"Oh, he sat with the people of Bid'ah, so he is as well from them!" - The noble Shaikh Wasiullah responds*

The messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

" لاَ عَدْوَى وَلاَ طِيَرَةَ "

"There is no infection and no evil omen.." (Abu Dawood)

So we must never accept "Adwa" (infection).
Now it has become common among the students of knowledge from those who attribute and call themselves Salafis something that is not pleasing. And it is that if one of scholars were to speak about someone that he is from the people of Bid'ah, so they as well throw him (out of the manhaj!). One came to me and said, "How do you visit and welcome a mubtadi?" I asked, 'Why is he a mubtadi?' He said, "He calls to wahdat-ul Adyaan (unity of religions)." I said, 'Dear brother, if he calls to unity of religion, then he is a kaafir, not a mubtadi! Call him a kafir!' So he became silent.

So, this issue has increased and spread. I think that this problem is less here (in Emirates), but it is in the Kingdom and out there in bilaad al kufr. They are countable, yet they are sect in themselves! If a scholar says about another scholar: 'Don't take from him.' Then they would take not anything from him. Even if he wrote the most excellent explanation of some book, they would say: 'Don't read and abandon it!'
Just due to a mistake!

We passed through the definition of 'Sadooq' (highly truthful): Scholars accept his hadith as long as he did not err in that specific narration.
And similar is 'al Mu'allal' (defective): Hadith of thiqah if he made a error, then it won't be accepted.

So we don't forget his mistakes yet we don't engage in 'Adwa. Al Albani rahimahullah would find it okay to uncover the face (of a woman). We never accepted this, and we won't accept as the proofs that we have, we would say, are very clear or of that sort. But if people accept then we say that neither do we oppose him nor do we become sectarian against him due to this. When shaikh Al Albani himself came to Madina, he was with his daughter and his wife. We sort of teased the shaikh and I said, "O shaikh, you permit women to uncover the face, but ummul mu'mineen (referring to the shaikh's wife) is here masha'allah as if tied inside a sack." He said, "We ask her because this is observed here and is the custom.." and so on.

So we say that issues of this sort, a man may be an Imam yet we won't accept it from him. So if we happen to hear from one of the students of knowledge making a mistake in his speech.. some of the mashaikh say, "Don't go close to him!", "Migrate from him!", "Mubtadi" and things of that sort. We want that we don't get into such issues, insha'allah. We should take what is correct and reject what is wrong. Inspite of the mistake, his methodology will remain correct. A man may make errors in understanding the manhaj (and deducing the rulings). So, we find personalities who have been abandoned by some of the mashaikh, but most of them excuse him for the mistake. So, we should be with those who excuse him, and should not become sectarians.

Therefore, we made mention of this as this is something that was never found among Ahlal Hadith. Wa Sallillahumma ala khairi khalqihi Muhammad wa ala aalih.

(Adapted from shaikh's explanation of terminology of Hadith: sharh Nukhbatul Fikr fi Mustalah ahlal Athar)

_Taken from Shaykh's lecture_:

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