Hello everyone!
Once again I'm not talking chiptunes, but today I will be discussing Red Star OS 3.0, the Mac OS ripoff from the reclusive DPRK. There have been pictures seen of Kim Jong Un with Apple stuff, so clearly Dear Leader is an Apple fan. Wait till you see this thing.
Some notes; I know the video kind of sucks because I don't own a specialized camera or webcam, I'm just using my smartphone. Please bear with that if you can.
As I discuss, this operating system is a linux based Mac clone from North Korea, a communist and police state where surveillance of each and every citizen is mandated. Be aware of what exactly it is we are tinkering with here!
As the video progresses, I will demonstrate to you exactly how to take the iso image for Red Star 3.0, modify it so the initial installer is in English instead of Korean, and then get your running system into English and get the internet (somewhat) working. The internet struggles because none of the certificates typically found on an every day PC are part of Red Star. Research how North Korean internet works for a better understanding of why this is. Regardless, a lot of sites (including any that use https) will have problems.
Aside from names and looks, the most blatant Apple ripoff is if you use KFinder's little box to search for specific files. Type in anything and while it's searching you'll see options to search "This Mac" or "RedStar". Really, it does say "This Mac." Ouch.
I have not found any means to connect to a repository, so as far as I can tell there's no easy way to install new applications on this system. I tried tinkering with Yum but got assorted errors about my connection. I wonder if Glorious Leader has his people pulling an old-school Bill Gates and simply renaming existing software (like what was done here with this implementation of Open Office) and are actually selling this originally free software for money to their people. We may never know.
**The TL;DR version (with appropriate links/commands):
1. Download Red Star OS 3.0 iso
2. Open the .iso with UltraISO, PowerISO, MagicISO, or a similar program, locate the folder isolinux and open the cfg file, change lang=ko to lang=en Since I don't have a Windows machine on hand I had to improvise, hence the virtual machine you see running.
3. Burn the .iso to disc and boot your machine with it. NOTE: the Red Star iso will not boot from a USB drive. I initially tried this instead of burning it to DVD-R and it failed. You can try if you like, but it seems only disc works, or of course loading the iso into a virtual machine, which doesn't apply here obviously.
4. Install the OS. Be sure when you get to the network screen to select DHCP from the drop-down menu, and don't forget what information you chose for your user account.
5. Root access is disabled by default. Your first step is fixing this. Upon successful boot and login, locate your terminal and type:
Click the padlock, put in your user account password. Click the little checkbox, create a ROOT password, then you're done.
6. Log out of your user account and back in as root.
7. Now that you have root, you need to get your system into English right? Open a terminal and type the following
sed -i 's/ko_KP/en_US/g' /etc/sysconfig/i18n
(press enter)
sed -i 's /ko_KP/en_US/g' /usr/share/config/kdeglobals
(press enter)
8. Reboot.
9. Next to get internet somewhat functional. Log in as root again. Open your terminal and type:
rm /etc/sysconfig/iptables
(press enter)
10. Reboot again.
11. Open Naenara browser. Still in Korean right? Open the 2nd dropdown from the right, choose the 3rd option. Goto the 2nd tab from the right in the window that popped up, click the only button that is not grayed out/is clickable. This brings up a yellow bar with a button in it, click that, and voila. English Naenara browser.
12. You're ready to play with Glorious Supreme Leader's custom OS, you imperialist scum!
Hope something here was helpful. Let me say again, please be careful. Good luck.
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