Chinese Classical Dance Department of Beijing Dance Academy

Описание к видео Chinese Classical Dance Department of Beijing Dance Academy

• In the teaching of chinese classical dance, have to inherited Chinese traditional dance culture and reformed it. Systematic knowledge was constructed for the cultivation of elite talents in areas of dance performer, dance choreographer, dance educator and dance researcher.

• Inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of classical Chinese arts - used Chinese traditional dance, Chinese opera and Chinese traditional martial arts as the aesthetic basis and movement foundation. This dance form is a contemporary creation reconstructed with the pursuit of classical taste and graceful style.

• To establish a system for dance performance that is inclusive of Chinese traditional dance culture characteristics. We probe the source of Chinese traditional cultureChinese philosophy and aesthetical ideas. We inherit from Chinese traditional arts theoryTheory of Chinese traditional arts painting. music, poetry, drama and martial arts We employ images of Chinese traditional body movements from ancient paintings, traditional operas and martiel arts We construct Chinese dassical dance perfomance knowledge.


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