PCT Episode 31 - Woodsy's Birthday Spectacular Mt. Rainier Sunrise & Tough Hike to Snoqualmie Pass

Описание к видео PCT Episode 31 - Woodsy's Birthday Spectacular Mt. Rainier Sunrise & Tough Hike to Snoqualmie Pass

Pacific Crest Trail 2023 | Random Campsite to Snoqualmie Pass/I-90 (PCT miles 2369.9-2395.9)
August 16-18, Days 112-114

This special collaborative series continues with Pivot @debraonthego3960 continuing to lead the pack as PD-Dubbs makes their way to Snoqualmie Pass for a much needed (and well deserved) zero! But first, Pivot and Desert Moon @leonielazarus4183 jump in Mirror Lake and have some brownie goop with Woodsy on his birthday! Woop! While we were becoming a tight-knit tramily, there was some tension brewing and Woodsy was starting to get on their nerves a bit. Fact is that I was so excited every morning to be there on the PCT and hiking with two wonderful people. Little did I know that both of them don't really appreciate such exuberance before 0800! Yikes! Luckily the grumpies dissipate after a bit with the sun rising in the sky and they become more receptive (or tolerant?) to Woodsy's outsized personality. Is it weird I'm talking about myself in the third person? Yup, it totally is. LOL!

Anyhoo, Woodsy is overcome with emotion at the sight of Mt. Rainier's morning majesty and waxes philosophical about his current station in life. Is there really anything that can fill the gaping hole in his heart? Or is he ready to let go and surrender to the knowledge that nothing on this Earth can "complete" him. No job, success, relationship, or thru-hike is going to change that fact that Woodsy is already enough the way he is.

The crew's mettle is tested quite a bit on Woodsy's birthday and Pivot has a bit of a tantrum. But it's all good as we endure a particularly spicy climb up to Mirror Lake. Totally worth it! The next day we make the relatively short but unexpectedly difficult hike in to Snoqualmie Pass. Pivot reminisces about driving through there back in March and I think back to when I was there in February. Much nicer hiking conditions in August, dare I say!

The ladies shack up at the Snoqualmie Inn while I get a bunk at the Guye Cabin at the Washington Alpine Club (nice place, I recommend it over the Inn). Food, drink, resupply, and laundry fills this day spent away from the Ladies. Stay tuned for an epic section of trail to Stevens Pass, coming up next!

Make sure to visit Pivot's channel to show some love!! (and likes, and subs, and comments, and all that!) Hey, and let me know what you think about these collaboration episodes in the comments!


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