How to Kickstart any Motorcycle First Kick (Yamaha TT 600 R Cold)

Описание к видео How to Kickstart any Motorcycle First Kick (Yamaha TT 600 R Cold)

If you have trouble starting your bike, keep the following tips in mind.

1. Check if the light is switched off.
(Otherwise you will use up the power of your Kick to „fuel“ the light)

2. If you‘re low on fuel, change to Rteserve.. or even better, always choose reserve when kicking your bike. Sometimes you don’t know if it is low or not, so better do this, instead of kicking forever.

3. If your bike is cold, pull the choke out.

4. After this, you kann Start cycling through the kickstarter. As i did. in this Video, Kick „lightly“ until you come to a resisting Point. This means, that your Piston is on maximum pressure.

5. When you have reached this Point, you can „hit“ the Kicker Really light, until the you overcome this Point for just a Millimeter. In theory there shouldn‘t be much restistance from now on.

6. After bringing the Piston over this Point, you can kick it through with power! You can do this on your bike stand or standing. When i do it while standing i jump a Bit With my left foot, to use my whole weight.

7. In theory you‘re bike should have started By now. Then you can put the choke in a little, up to the point its idling clean.

8. If your bike did not start, repeat step 4 and cycle through again.
Sometimes it can take a few tries.

9. Enjoy the Ride!


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