Dressage Disaster: All In Is All Out .... Again...

Описание к видео Dressage Disaster: All In Is All Out .... Again...

All In ridden by Brittany Fraser was rapidly declining prior to the Olympics. Now that they are no longer under the intensive care of the Canadian team vet the pair is headed for a dismal downward spiral in their performance

All In entered the dressage ring for the Grand Prix Freestyle at Aachen with a GIANT Fuck you to Brittany Fraser-Beaulieu by launching out of the halt in hopes of some reprieve.

For several years Dressage Hub has done a series of videos of Brittany Fraser riding Rollkur, while the masses cried out that it was only a moment in time or a single test we now have the longest-running series of show, after show, after show, of All In saying he is All out. I think that argument is dead in the water now folks.

You can watch the rest of the videos in this series here:    • Brittany Fraser Beaulieu  

With close to a 100 Grand prix starts under his belt All In was at one point a very steady grand prix horse, but now that his soundness has come into question we are rapidly watching the wheels fall off. While not lame enough for the judges to ring out you could really see the wobbles in the corner during the grand prix and the complete disaster prevailed in the grand prix freestyle. While she careful cut the corners and did piaffe fans to reduce the amount of unsoundness you could see there is definitely something brewing for All In.

Often horses that are confirmed at grand prix and start to make a lot of mistakes in the ones, are struggling with a hind suspensory injury. We have video of Totilas making the same mistakes with Edward Gal in the warm-up at WEG in Kentucky. A month later he was sold and shortly after diagnosed with an injury.
You can watch that series of vides here:    • Edward Gal & Totilas In The Warm-Up -...  

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