The Bad Karmas: Tutorial and scenario creation app side only

Описание к видео The Bad Karmas: Tutorial and scenario creation app side only

This is showing the rules of the game which are very simplistic and easy to learn. The strategy of the game is much deeper though as some Zodiacs get minions to support them. Cancer gets 5 tentacles to attack nearby heroes. In the full game the heroes have 7 cards to utilize instead of the 3 you see in the tutorial. you can play this game with any number up to 5 people but you are forced to control either 4 or 5 heroes every game. The map that is shown is a good representation of what the gameboard looks like. The movements register kind of smoothly you just have to find the sweet spot sometimes with the heroes. Dice rolling is hit or miss as I sometimes had to roll 3 times before the roll registered. I'm hoping a dedicated Dice tower helps with this although the Dice are a little bit chunky. What I have played feels nice I'm just worried that it's all app based. Anyways my attraction to this board game was it came with prototyping parts so you can work on your own board game design from the ground up. I will make a video of the board game and all of the miniatures. The game has 5 heroes with 4 different themed designs for a total of 20 heroes these are standard sized miniatures. It also has 13 Zodiacs these miniatures are oversized around 4" to 5" in size. The game can be played locally or remotely across the Internet (if you have the teburu game board system).


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