Aberdeen Station to Waterloo Yard aboard 66116 (Real Time)

Описание к видео Aberdeen Station to Waterloo Yard aboard 66116 (Real Time)

Up front on 66116 working 6A32 Mossend to Aberdeen with the OMYA empties. This video covers the short trip from Aberdeen Station to Kittybrewster, propelling move into No.2 Kittybrewster Loop, runround via No.1 Loop, then hauling the tanks down the Waterloo Branch to Waterloo Yard. Pity about the low winter sun in places...

All rendered in real time, full HD with the exception of the propelling move into Kittybrewster Loop (2.37gb as it is, way over 4gb before the propelling move was speeded up -- still looking at 17 hours+ to upload! 1016 minutes remaining after 10 minutes!!)

Filmed using the absolutely brilliant Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-HX5V


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