Xynteo Starter: Rose McGowan reflects on her life and the Hollywood problem

Описание к видео Xynteo Starter: Rose McGowan reflects on her life and the Hollywood problem

Rose McGowan, Hollywood actress and activist, talks to Masarat Daud about her life experiences, the problem with Hollywood as a system and how we need to be brave.

Movements like TimesUp and MeToo have given a vocabulary for sexual abuse survivors to tell their stories. But what are the systems that enable these problems that go uncovered for so long? Rose McGowan, whose allegations against Harvey Weinstein unleashed the TimesUp movement in Hollywood, also later contributed to building the MeToo movement where sexual survivors found a platform to tell their stories.

This was recorded in Oslo, Norway on November 27, 2018.

The Xynteo Starter is a social gathering – which serves as a pre-event to this year’s Xynteo Exchange/Norway – where we celebrate the role of arts and culture in challenging the growth model we need in the 21st century. Now, more than ever, we need those from arts and culture to help us break out of business-as-usual thinking.


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