How to Survive a Cordium Detonation (You Don't) | Arma 3

Описание к видео How to Survive a Cordium Detonation (You Don't) | Arma 3

War erupts in the world on fire as both the Magadan Federation and Cascadia find themselves plunged into a war that spans the pacific region and leaves the skies full of dog fighting aircraft while idiots inhabit the ground.

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Ignis Mission Maker: Scorch052

Main Mods Used:
WebKnights Avionics
Arma 3 Aegis
NIArms Core
S & S
Armor Plates System
The Free World Armoury
Project Crimson
Project Wingman A3
Project Wingman A3 Expansion - Main Pack
X66-Mammoth Tank
Dust and Ash

Terrain: Chernarus / Tonoa

Outro song: Coronation

#arma3 #projectwingman


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