PS4 Kill Screen

Описание к видео PS4 Kill Screen

One day, my parents gave me a PS4, because I really enjoyed playing it at a person's house. Today, it was a sunny day and I wanted to play Spiderman.

Did it go well? Well... I really wish that it did.

The PS4 booted normally. I was quite content, until...

The music repeated itself and the screen froze, I couldn't do anything. I tried booting up the console and then there was the normal PS4 moving waves background with a message.

"Warning! Your PS4 (model CUH-7015B) has malfunctioned and thus normal gameplay cannot continue."

Then there was another message underneath the first one. It said to turn off my PS4 and not turn it on for 1 minute and underneath that message there was a 6 digit-code.

I was confused. What happened to my PlayStation? How did that happen?

I tried turning it back on. The message was (almost) the same except for a part where it said "It is strongly advised to turn off your PS4 as leaving it on might cause irreversible damages to your PS4."

I was a bit scared. I turned off the PlayStation, then turned it back on, and then my blood froze in my veins.

The PS4 moving waves background turned red and the text was all in capital letters. The message read "URGENT! YOUR PLAYSTATION 4 HAS MALFUNCTIONNED AND IT HAS TO BE SHUT DOWN! SONY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE DONE TO YOUR PS4!" My heart was pounding and I was breathing heavily. I turned off my PS4, shaking, and turned it back on.

My heart was pounding even faster when I saw the next screen. The PS4 moving waves background had completely disappeared, and instead, was replaced with a black screen. I was traumatised.

The message read "CRITICAL! STOP TURNING ON YOUR PS4, UNLESS YOU WANT IT TO BREAK! SONY WON'T BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES DONE TO YOUR PS4!" Did something happen to my PS4? I had so many questions. I turned it off. I turned it back on.

A very low pitched sound was playing. The PS4 moving waves background became Black and White (not like Grayscale) and to make matters worse, the screen was pixelated, which made me worry for the condition of my PS4.

I turned it off and I booted up into Recovery Mode (Power + Triangle + Circle)

I was greeted with a message that said "WARNING! You are attempting to enter Recovery Mode. If you try to repair or flash any unauthorized software, Sony cannot be responsible for any errors or internal damage done to your PS4" then I saw that underneath that message, there was a text that said that I had one more chance and that I had to choose wisely. I accepted the message and pressed the Circle button.

Then there was a message that said "Press the Circle button three times to confirm. Press the X button three times to cancel and shut down your PS4"

Then I read the message underneath it "THIS ISN'T REVERSIBLE! CHOOSE AT YOUR OWN RISK!" I pressed three times the Circle button, then it loaded.
Then, I got the worst surprise ever...

The screen turned red. There was flashing text saying "FATAL ERROR!" There was a really creepy noise. And then some more text appeared saying "ERROR: Can't access Recovery Mode. The partition data is permanently corrupted. Please turn off the console now."

I jumped because I was literally so scared! Then, the console started freaking out.

The screen constantly went up and there was a little bit of static on the bottom of the screen. The sound that was previously here repeated itself and mixed itself with the static sound. The console turned itself off.

I tried turning it on. It resulted in a screen that looked like it belonged in a computer BIOS or something. There was a beep and there was a message that said "Can't find bootable option. Your console has halted."

I unplugged the console and threw it in the trash.

From now, I am still disappointed that Sony did that to me.

(Note: All of this is fake, except for the part where my parents gave me a PS4. I just wanted to add more action)


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