The extraordinary world of beetles

Описание к видео The extraordinary world of beetles

Beetles are one of the most numerous orders of insects.
They come in all shapes and sizes. They inhabit a variety of habitats.
They are found both in the soil and in the crowns of trees. They lead a day or night lifestyle, usually remaining hidden, so that in nature we see only a small fraction of the entire variety of species of beetles.
Year of production 2017

Director Sławomir Skupiński
Screenplay and commentary Jacek Kurzawa
Producer: Forest Film Studio, Polish State Forests
Year of production 2017
Time 49:16

#thebestnaturefilms #nature #beetles #Europeannature #wildlifedocumentary #animalprotection #Polandnature #endangeredspecies #restoringextinctspecies #conservationsuccess #RosaliaAlpina #LucanusCervus #NicrophorusVespillo #EmusHirtus #MonochamusSartor #OsmodermaEremita #GeotrupesStercorarius #OiceoptomaThoracicum #CarabusCancellatus #HylobiusAbietis


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