How do Russian AESA?

Описание к видео How do Russian AESA?

NIIP AESA IS: The greatest revolution in Radar since radar.
AESA Is: Active Electronically Scanned Array Radars.
The AESA-N050-Radar is the AESA radar monted on the Russian Sukhoi PAK-FA. It is the second AESA radar by Russian production. It is built of about 1500 transmit/receive moduls. The radar is supported by two L-band with frequencies of 1-2 GHz. At those low frequencies most of the Radar Absorbing Material (RAM) is less effective.

NIIP has stated that the Radar have a detection range of 350 km and 400 km against a 2.5 m² target, thus, the range against a 1 m² target is 260-300 km.

The radar will be all in all comparable to the APG-77 of the F-22, but with best jamming and LPI capabilities.

The AN/APG-77 is the AESA radar monted on the F-22 Raptor it has about 2300 transmit/receive moduls and it´s able to track a 1 square meter target at 240 km.


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