Описание к видео KK9

Run completed on Kackiest Kacky server 5 earlier today (June 4 2024) around 20:13 CEST (Italy timezone).


What can I say. The ball has started rolling. 2 day streak of finishes, woo-hoo! And again in a map where I have not really grinded a lot... I went in the server, I had a rough idea of what I needed to do, I threw some attempts, and then ZAC I completed it! I was stoked, as you can probably hear from my reaction!

Weirdly enough, I feel like maps 300, 304 and 305 may be possible for my skill level, but I am not sure if I will finish them before the end of the competition (at the end of June). Only time will tell. As far as I know, I do NOT want to grind more finishes EXCESSIVELY. I have other stuff to do.



I use R to turn left, G to turn right, I to accelerate and J to brake. I find this key combo comfortable, since my wrist can rest and my fingers do not get cramped. R = left is kind of meme-worthy if I think about it... Oh well.

This video was created as follows. First, I recorded the video using the wide-angle lens of my phone. Second, I manually adjusted the starting frame using Clipchamp. Third, I used version 0.5 of this tool ( https://github.com/Minhs2/TM-Gbx-inpu... ) to embed the inputs. Four, I cropped the video in a square ratio using Clipchamp so that only the laptop is in the frame. Last, I used Clipchamp again to convert the square ratio into a 16:9 video so that this dumb website does NOT classify this short video as a forsaken "Short".

Because of the manuality of selecting the initial frame, I expect the input display to NOT match EXACTLY frame by frame the video in which it is embedded, but it should be close enough anyway, and more importantly there should be a consistent delay between the video and the input display.

Thank you for reading the description, and enjoy the rest of your day!


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