
Описание к видео 【守護生態40年,同我哋一齊走更遠💪】

今年係WWF🐼香港分會嘅40週年,我哋亦管理咗 #米埔自然保護區 38個年頭喇✨我哋一直致力喺保護區內做生境管理工作,守護呢片極具生態價值嘅濕地,包括超過2000種動植物。而每年亦有過萬隻水鳥到米埔停棲,對東亞—澳大利西亞遷飛區嘅雀仔都好重要💚。立即去片認識我哋嘅工作啦🥳

[40 Years of Conservation Works 💪]

This year marks the 40th anniversary of WWF-Hong Kong🐼. At the same time, we have been managing the Mai Po Nature Reserve for 38 years, protecting this valuable wetland which is the home to more than 2000 species of wildlife. At the heart of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, every year over ten thousand migratory birds make their annual winter migration to roost here. This world-class wetland is vital in sustaining the migrations and the integrity of the Flyway 💚Check out the video now to learn more about our work


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