Why The Less F*cks You Give The MORE ATTRACTIVE You Are...

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The less you give a shit what other people think about you, the more magnetic you are.
And it's an interesting thing, because when you let go of giving a fuck, you will notice that people respond to you differently and that you're not attached to what other people say, think, and do, and it makes you so much more magnetic.

Now in this video, I'm gonna show you step by step, exactly how to do that. I think this video will completely change your energy from the inside out if you simply apply what I share with you in this video.

Now, have you ever noticed that the more you let go of caring what other people think about you, the more that they actually either come around, respect you, or appreciate you.

But have you noticed that the more you care what other people think about you, what their perspective is, the more you want someone else's validation, love, or support, the more resistant your energy becomes and the less they actually like you, validate you, or whatever?

That's because there is an attachment involved, an attachment creates resistance and attachment also displays the energy of neediness. Now, there's a direct correlation between that of neediness and having magnetic energy.

If you have non-neediness, so a lack of neediness, that's what makes you magnetic. The degree to which you have neediness inside of you is the degree to which you are repelling love and validation and support and all of that, away.

So this really is about a game, not a game, but this is about an energy of letting go of the neediness. Letting go of neediness. Now, a lot of the information I'm sharing with you in this video comes from that of the books by Mark Manson who has written the book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*uk.

And it's mainly, it's about understanding that when you give a fuck about what other people say, think, and feel about you, you're putting them on a pedestal, you're making them very important, but what ends up happening is you end up in a way abandoning yourself in the process of trying to get other people to like you and appreciate you.

He also talks about neediness and how neediness is the root of all like the energy that is literally repelling that what you want. And what the book is really about, it's about realizing that you have to give a fuck about something, but just don't give a shit about the things that don't actually serve you.

So really what the book's about is getting clear on your own sense of value and the values that you live by. This is something that I learned from Tony Robbins years ago, but always kind of rejected because I thought it was like, I didn't understand it completely.

I was like, well, beliefs create reality so whatever you believe to be true is reflected back to you. This whole value thing, I don't really understand. What values are is values make up your sense of identity, and values are the virtues that we live by.

Now, one of the strongest human desires there is is to remain consistent to the way we define ourself. And we all have these subconscious values that we think are important whether we realize it or not.

And these subconscious values a lot of times came from childhood. So in childhood, if our needs weren't met in childhood, which many of us had that experience of at some level, maybe even it's not that it's our parents' fault necessarily, it could be, but that's a perspective that normally needs forgiveness.

To me, everything in life is fundamentally neutral other than the meaning we give it, and we, many times, took on the meaning of things that happened to us growing up that then remain on autopilot until we become aware of it. So if we didn't get validated growing up, we may now crave and need and want other people to validate us.

And when it talks about giving a fuck, if we give a fuck that we want other people to validate us and then we start putting other people's validation and approval on a pedestal, that's when things get wonky because we're leading in life with wanting other people's approval and validation to help fulfill our own lack of childhood need that wasn't met when we were kids.

So this is about becoming aware of the virtues we are living by. So for a long time, I was living by virtues that really had me in needy energy. That really had me feeling powerless, hard for me to set boundaries, and that was because I was living by virtues and values that were outdated.

Those virtues and values were me that on one hand the thing that I wanted the most, that one thing that I really valued more than anything else was people's approval, their validation and approval.


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