【怀特岛之夏】一百年前女人怎样洗海水浴?亲王的瑞士小木屋里有什么? 探索Osborne 庄园花园和私人海滩 |Garden and Beach of Osborne estate IOW

Описание к видео 【怀特岛之夏】一百年前女人怎样洗海水浴?亲王的瑞士小木屋里有什么? 探索Osborne 庄园花园和私人海滩 |Garden and Beach of Osborne estate IOW

Our tour of the Osborne estate continues, today we're taking a closer look at the garden and the private beach of the Royals. We're also finding unexpected treasures in the Swiss cottage built by Prince Albert.


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