TERRORS That Lay Beneath | DOUBLE EPISODE! | A Haunting

Описание к видео TERRORS That Lay Beneath | DOUBLE EPISODE! | A Haunting

The Presence: Sarah Miller, her boyfriend and her children have moved into a haunted house. Sarah feels that something supernatural is present in the home and frightens her children at night. Her boyfriend remains skeptical of all of this, refusing to believe a ghost is haunting the house. In talking with her neighbor, she finds out that the previous tenants held black masses there. As a demonic presence tries to take control of the family, Sarah runs to a religious demonologist for help, who prepares a powerful ritual to extinguish the evil in the house for good.

The Dark Side: When Bobby Wilcott and his wife moves into a historical house, it soon becomes clear that it is haunted by spirits. The doors and windows are constantly opening by themselves and the electricity in the house is often not working right. After the couple tried to deny giving any supernatural explanation, Bobby soon discovers that the property was built on the ruins of an old family cemetery.

Season 3, Episodes 9 & 10.

A Haunting is an American paranormal anthology that provides insight into the real-life experiences of individuals who have been victims of paranormal incidents and ghostly encounters.

Some scenes in this program have been reenacted, due to the sensitive nature of the show, viewer discretion is advised.

#AHaunting #Paranormal #Ghosts


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