How to Make Homemade Sriracha

Описание к видео How to Make Homemade Sriracha

Having trouble finding Sriracha at the grocery store lately? Try making it yourself with our Beyond the Market recipe for spicy Homemade Sriracha! Using Fresno and Thai chilies from the farmers’ market, you can customize the spice level to your liking and blend together a sauce that packs a bigger punch than the brand name. 

Fermentation is required for this recipe,. Be sure to do your research to make certain everything is safe! After 5-7 days of fermenting in a cool, dark place, it’s time to blend your mixture and create your sauce.

Use your fresh sriracha sauce any way you like! We like putting it on scrambled eggs, or ramen noodles, or mixing it with mayo to make the perfect condiment for your fries! However you want to use sriracha, you can’t go wrong with making your own homemade version of a timeless favorite.

For a step-by-step recipe and a complete list of ingredients, head to
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