HK Army XV Autococker Barrel Kit Review | 15 Inch Barrel | Lone Wolf Paintball Michigan

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HK Army XV Autococker Barrel Kit Review | 15 Inch Barrel
Get the HK Army XV Barrel Kit here:
Tony reviews the HK Army XV Autococker Barrel Kit, this HK Army 15 inch barrel comes complete with 3 Barrel Backs, a Barrel Tip and 2 Interchangeable Accent Rings. The XV is packaged in a custom HK Army Hard Shell Exo Barrel Case.

#hkarmy #xvbarrelkit #barrelreview

00:00 Intro
00:13 What does XV stand for?
00:43 Available XV Kit Colors (More Coming)
00:59 What the XV Barrel Kit Includes
01: 22 The EXO Case
01:38 Cost for HK Army XV Autococker Barrel Kit
02:08 Barrel Accent Ring
02:36 Assembled HK Army XV Autococker Barrel
03:03 On a HK Army 170R
03:33 Barrel Weight
03:54 HK Army XV Autococker Barrel Kit Summary
04:51 What Mark is going to do!
05:18 Where to Buy:

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