Rokoko Smartsuit Pro 2 - Review | Hollywood Motion Capture Technology in your home

Описание к видео Rokoko Smartsuit Pro 2 - Review | Hollywood Motion Capture Technology in your home

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If you're an animator looking to master Blender, we've put together a comprehensive and fun course to get you up to speed within 2 weeks of dedicated learning! Check it out:

We're also working on the most comprehensive Blender Animation Course, which is aimed to be complete by early 2023. You can find more information on our website

In this video we take a look at Rokoko's new and improved Smartsuit Pro 2, and record our very first mocap with it. Then we import it into Blender.

0:00 - Unboxing
1:33 - Putting on the suit and new features
2:52 - Connecting the suit
4:06 - Rokoko Studio Beta
9:10 - Recording our first motion capture
11:50 - Exporting the mocap data
12:46 - Importing the mocap data into Blender
13:16 - Honest opinion on the Smartsuit 2


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