Aces of the Pacific & Aces over Europe MT-32 IBM PC DOS Soundtrack

Описание к видео Aces of the Pacific & Aces over Europe MT-32 IBM PC DOS Soundtrack

Here for your listening pleasure are the soundtracks for two related WWII simulation games, Aces of the Pacific and Aces over Europe from Dynamix.

Aces of the Pacific, Music by Jan Paul Moorhead:

00:00 Dynamix Logo
00:22 Main Theme
01:56 Menus
02:46 Flight Deck
03:33 Board of Inquiry
04:40 Death
05:09 Captured
05:43 Landing ok
06:52 Air Medal
08:23 News
08:53 Rumors (Japanese)
09:30 The War Has Ended (Japanese)
10:27 Rumors (U.S.)
11:13 The War Has Ended (U.S.)
11:57 Credits

Aces Over Europe, Music by Timothy Steven Clarke, Christopher Stevens:

13:20 Main Theme
14:34 Menus
15:34 Eject
15:59 Captured
16:26 Injured
16:53 Crashing
17:10 Killed
17:38 Air Medal
18:19 Credits

Song titles resemble the original filenames, even if the game uses the songs differently. As an example, Aces of the Pacific plays the song named "Rumors (U.S.)" during the credits instead of the song named "Credits". Some tracks may be unused. It is not known what "QUIETNSN" could mean, or where in the game that song plays. If you know, please let us know in the comments section, thank you!


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