Fisheries 101: Fishes in Your Lake

Описание к видео Fisheries 101: Fishes in Your Lake

This session was held at the 2019 Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention and Water Action Volunteers Symposium.
Session Description:There are over 70 fishes that inhabit non-flowing (lentic) waters in the Upper Midwest—ecosystems such as glacial lakes, wetlands and river backwaters. Some of these species only occur in lentic environments. From the largest predatory species down to the smallest plankton and insect eating species, we will provide a brief introduction to fishes common in food webs in lentic environments in your backyard. After a brief introduction to the major groups of Midwestern lake fishes and to the lake aquatic food web, we will open the forum to a question and answer session driven by you! Ever wonder about those other fish in your lake? Bring your questions and ideas to the discussion. We are likely to do some myth-busting along the way!
Presenter: Justin Sipiorski, Professor of Biology, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point


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