Cover Crop Series: Browtine Chicory

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Browtine chicory has done well in our plots over the years. Its most impressive feature is probably its strong taproot, which likely helps it tolerate our hot summers. Chicory may not make a large amount of vegetative growth, but it can come close to completely covering the ground. It is one of the few cover crops that may be useful for adding to established perennial grasses since it is a perennial and can last for several years. Seeding rate was 13 pounds per acre.

These plots were drill planted in 7.5-inch rows in a no-till seedbed on a Heiden clay soil May 15, 2017, at the Noble Research Institute Headquarters Farm in Ardmore, Oklahoma. Planting depth was about 1.5 inches. Seed was placed on top of soil moisture, and 2.33 inches of rain fell over the next three days. No fertilizers, insecticides or herbicides were applied to this crop. Rainfall was below average after establishment.


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