Amaryllis: How to Divide with Easy Planting Demo & Care Tips (Hippeastrum)

Описание к видео Amaryllis: How to Divide with Easy Planting Demo & Care Tips (Hippeastrum)

I love my Amaryllis. And love them even more when they produce babies that I can divide and plant up to double the beauty in my home. In this video I show how to easily divide (propagate) the bulblets from their mother, as well as how to plant them up and tips on how to best grow your Amaryllis.

These are one of the very best plants that produce the most beautiful flowers inside your home right when you need them. When grown correctly they are of the most rewarding houseplants a gardener can grow.

I also speak to how to divide your Amaryllis bulbs if grown directly in the ground. So if you are lucky enough to live where they can be planted in the soil, be sure to watch as well.

Here are some of my favorite plant tools and accessories:

#hippeastrum #amaryllis #flowers
My favorite plants products:
Best Deluxe Growlight:
Best Inexpensive Growlight:
Growlight Bulbs:
Clamp On Growlights:
Rooting Hormone:
Best Fertilizer for Foliage Growth:
Best Fertilizer for Flowering:
Fungus Gnat Help:
Floral Tape:
Insect Control:
Pruning Shears:
Timer for Grow lights:
Moss Pole Ingredients:
Heat Pad for Propagations:
More Plant Stuff:

Make sure to peruse my channel for ever more content related to all things plant! I have many videos showing how to propagate various houseplants like Monstera, Anthurium, Philodendron, Pothos, and other Aroids. I also have tons of videos for the outdoor gardener looks for tips on pruning and growing some of my favorites like Hydrangea, Peony, Daylily, Black eye Susan, Beebalm, Groundcovers, succulents, and more.

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