वय महत्वाचं नसतं | MPSC Inspiring Speech | Yogesh Padale | Josh Talks Marathi

Описание к видео वय महत्वाचं नसतं | MPSC Inspiring Speech | Yogesh Padale | Josh Talks Marathi

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योगेश चाळीत राहायचे आणि त्यांचे स्वप्नेही साधारण होते. त्याने विचार केला की ENGINEERING करून एकदा आपल्याला नोकरी मिळाली की सर्व काही आपोआप सेटल होतील. परंतु जेव्हा ते नोकरी करायला लागले तेव्हा त्यांना जाणवले कि त्य्नाचे मन त्यात रमत नव्हते. त्यांनी त्या JOB सोबतच MPSC ची तैयारी सुरु केली. त्यांची Entrance clear झाली आणि ते शेवटच्या फेरीपर्यंत गेले.त्यांना वाटले हे फेरी ते अगदी सहजपणे करतील पण नियमांनुसार ते 5 सेमी पर्यंत छाती फुगवु शकले नाही आणि अशा प्रकारे तो INSPECTOR होण्यासाठी अंतिम फेरी पार करू शकले नाही. असे एका पॅरामीटरवर त्यांना नाकारण्यात आले. त्यांना खूप दुःख झाले कारण त्यांनी या परीक्षेसाठी वयाच्या 28 व्या वर्षी नोकरी सोडली होती. त्यांनी पुन्हा सर्व परीक्षांचा प्रयत्न केला आणि अनेकदा अपयशी ठरले. त्याला फक्त माहित होते की त्यांचे कार्य त्याच्यावरील प्रत्येकाच्या टिप्पण्या बंद करण्यास सक्षम असेल. त्याच्यात “कधीही हार मानू नका” अशी वृत्ती होती आणि म्हणूनच ते खूप कष्ट करत राहिले. त्यांच्या कठोर परिश्रम, समर्पण चा त्यांना फायदा झाला . वयाच्या 32 व्या वर्षी त्यांचे MPSC clear झाले आणि त्यांचे स्वप्न पूर्ण झाले. त्यांची MPSC Inspiring Speech खरंच आपल्याला प्रेरणा आणि योग्य प्रमाणात प्रेरणा देते. हा MPSC Inspiring Speech नक्की बघा!

Yogesh stayed in chawl and had mediocre dreams like doing engineering and having a job. He thought once you get a job everything automatically gets settled but life had something else to offer to him. He wasn’t happy with his private job and he started preparing for MPSC while he was working. Hopefully, he got through the entrance and went till the last round, where he thought he will get through easily. He was rejected on a parameter that he couldn’t blow his chest till 5 cm according to the rules and thus he couldn’t clear the final round to become an inspector. That hurt him a lot because he had left his job at the age of 28 for this exam. He attempted all the exams again and went through multiple failures. People were nagging him by asking what he was up to those days and he use to get frustrated, but he didn’t indulge in answering people. He knew only his work and designation will be able to shut everyone’s comments over him. He had the “Never Give Up” attitude and hence he kept working hard. His hard work, dedication, and compassion paid off. He got through all the exams at the age of 32 and feels satisfied with his work, which was his ultimate goal. this MPSC Inspiring Speech indeed gives us inspiration and the right amount of motivation. Keep watching Josh Talks!

Josh Talks passionately believes that a well-told story has the power to reshape attitudes, lives, and ultimately, the world. With this regional Josh Talks Marathi channel, Josh Talks has situated one more path for reaching out to Marathi viewers in the Maharashtra region. We are crucially building methods to provide motivational speeches by making the best motivational videos in Marathi.

We have a vision of representing Maharashtrian culture through the inspirational and motivational channel in Maharashtra, taking along all the motivational speakers in Maharashtra and also all over the world. We are on a mission to find and showcase the best motivational stories from across India through documented videos and live events held all over the Maharashtra region, in our country. With 7 regional languages in our ambit, our stories and speakers echo one desire: to inspire action. There are many people who are doing something extraordinary in their lives and their story needs to be told. Our stories promote the “never give up” attitude. Our Speakers speeches speech comprises of things like life lessons, tips, life quotes. It serves the purpose of being a Marathi Motivation channel. Our goal is to unlock the potential of passionate young Indians from rural and urban areas by inspiring them to overcome the setbacks they face in their careers and helping them discover their true calling in life. We do it all through such motivational speeches and inspirational videos.

जोश टॉक्स भारतातील सर्वात प्रेरणादायी कथा गोळा करून त्या आपल्यासमोर सादर करते. विविध पार्श्वभूमीतील व्यक्तींना त्यांच्या कथा आपल्या सर्वांसमोर सामायिक करण्यासाठी आम्ही आमंत्रित करत असतो.

जोश Talks चे इतर व्हिडिओ पहा: www.joshtalks.com वर. प्रत्येक आठवड्यात नविन विडीओ आम्ही सादर करतो, आमच्या चॅनेलवर सबस्क्राइब करा आणि बेल आयकॉन दाबून आमच्या अपडेट चुकवु नका.

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