Linux installation and basic commands

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Installing Linux is a straightforward process that begins with downloading a preferred distribution, such as Ubuntu, Fedora, or Debian, from its official website. The installation wizard guides through essential steps, including selecting a language, creating or choosing disk partitions, and setting up user accounts.

Learning basic Linux commands is essential for efficient system navigation and management. For instance, the ls command lists the contents of a directory, while cd helps move between directories. The mkdir command allows users to create new folders, and rm is used for deleting files or directories. Commands like sudo enable administrative privileges, necessary for tasks like installing software with apt-get on Debian-based systems. The pwd command displays the current directory, ensuring users always know their location in the file system. For detailed instructions on any command, the man command provides a comprehensive manual, making it an invaluable resource for beginners and experts alike.


Информация по комментариям в разработке