supracondylar fractures: treatment tips and tricks - Stephen Cooke

Описание к видео supracondylar fractures: treatment tips and tricks - Stephen Cooke

Oh, no the dreaded supracondylar fracture! Many orthopaedic surgeons fear them! Stephen Cooke talks us through his approach to the management of all aspects of their care.

Stephen answers all of the common hot topics
- From management of undisplaced fractures to the oh sh*t its pulseless!
- How many wire, and what configuration
- How to asses nerve function?
- What if the nerve stops working?
- ... and much more.

Anish Sanghrajka sums it up:
Lateral or crossed k-wires - it doesn't matter, just do it properly
How to position the image intensifier
Don't get too hung up on position, its about what deformity you can accept

Stephen Cooke & Anish Sanghrajka are consultant paediatric orthopaedic surgeons.

This talk formed part of a series on paediatric trauma, the other videos can be found on our channel or over at


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